Sunday, November 13, 2011

10,000 years....will give ya such a crink in the neck

This peninsula has been historic ever since history has been history.  This hotel has been around about half that long.  Marble floors.  Plaster walls.  And, shall we say, "natural" artwork. 

Movie quote quiz:
"In Europe, it's not considered unusual for three of four men to share a bed." 
"That's why I'm proud to be an American." 
I decided since I will be coming and going at random times, I went for my own room.  Good thing too.  After my metro experience, I really didn't need more mingling.  Especially beneath the sheets.  

 Not only do I get my own bed (thank the gods), but I also sprung for my private bathroom as well.  Now despite the archaic architecture, the old plumbing does pump out some piping hot water.  Nice to be able to direct it exactly where you want it to go.  

Springing for the private room and personal bathroom did give me this little surprise.  Doesn't overlook much, but hey, private balcony.  Might be a nice place to calmly sit and reflect on the day.  But I prefer a slightly better perception point. More to follow. 

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